Monday, February 24, 2020

Blabbing Away - Speech Shocker

  Wow!  What can Harli Belle Say.... Just about anything that is 2-5 words!   OVER NIGHT  this girl just decided she was going to start using 2-3 word phrases.  We have had this goal in speech therapy since June19.  Here we are end of February20 and my girl is repeating every 2-3 word phrase she hears.  She has been doing this consistently for about 2 weeks now.  In Harli time we know this is now a habit that will stick. 

Harli is writing her name

Baby wizard is sending mommy a flower

  She is also responding very well to commands that are 5 words phrases.  The ones she's is used to hearing are the 5 word phrases she uses now. 

"Have a good day"
"Where did it go? "
"Nigh nigh Daddy,  I love you"
"Mama hugs,  nose (Eskimo kiss), I love you"        <3Best bed time love ever<3

Harli Belle ABC'S

  Today though.... Let me tell you something.  I was not ready for this one.  I have wanted Harli to know her name forever.  She's never said it.  She's never repeated it.  Today...Monday morning... Harli Belle repeated her name after I showed her a piece of paper with her name on it.   The Big deal though is she has consistently done it all day.  I wrote a not to her teacher that we learned this today,  and she is working with Harli Belle on her name.  I can't even.  I'm so proud. 

 Check the video below for ultimate cuteness - Harli Belle says her name! 

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