Friday, April 19, 2019

Food Battle

After an hour long meltdown over "No Candy Before Breakfast" She broke and ate the strawberry.  
1 hour of screaming, crying and melting to the floor while I stand my ground. But this day she ate breakfast.  Even if it was just fruit. 
After all that begging and pleading is done she grabs the Cheetos and eats them too. 
Haven't heard another peep about the candy since. 
Small victory!
I have to keep reminding myself that one day she will no longer eat pure meals.  One day she will feed herself.  Today is not that day.  As far as food goes I'm happy she chooses to eat healthy foods.  She doesn't thrive on junk like chips and cake. 

Monday, April 15, 2019

A Sensory Easter

A Sensory Easter

Uhg...  I have a spent a small fortune on toys for things I thought Harli Belle would enjoy.  And what I have found is she rarely plays with the toys as they are intended to be.  She loses interest quickly and plays the game "Godzilla"  I can literally see the sensory overload happening before my eyes.   

So this year for Easter I have chosen an all sensory play basket.   Girl loves all "ball ball" (Balls).  She would rather throw and chase a ball for an hour than play with dolls or cars.   

First appointment

Tomorrow is the day we take our little harli Monster for her first evaluation with Cleveland Clinic center for autism.   My biggest fear is finding out I'm just a bad mom.   Since I first suspected she may be a little different than others her age I tried to push it out of my mind.   Then her pediatrician noticed some things and asked if I had ever wondered.

I left that appointment heartbroken and terrified of how my little was going to make it in an already awfully hard world.   My patience with her instantly improved.   I'm ashamed to admit that I was surprised nothing inside of my changed.   I didn't resent her.   I didn't regret my decision to get pregnant even though I knew risks of older pregnancies.   Nothing I felt for her from the second she was conceived had changed. My love continues to grow stronger for her every day.   She continues to blow my mind.   I'm ready to be the arms that wrap around her to keep her safe when the world seems too large.   I'm not upset or disappointed that she isn't like other kids.  I just simply understand.