I'm an autism mom....
I'm not more of a mom or less of a mom than any other mom.
I'm just a different mom, a creative thinking mom.
I don't have professional pictures of my baby because it's traumatic for her.
I'm not more of a mom or less of a mom than any other mom.
I'm just a different mom, a creative thinking mom.
I don't have professional pictures of my baby because it's traumatic for her.
I've skipped countless events because my baby wasn't feeling well.
No she was not sick in the typical way one first thinks, but mentally.
I have no problem sitting in the car with the ac running, killing my gas, because the rest of my family deserves fun too.
I can recognize when my non verbal little needs to leave the park, because she just can't handle her excitement.
We aren't leaving because she's being punished, we are leaving to bring her back to center.
I've put away my paint brushes and sewing machine, and replaced them with laminating and Velcro.
I may never hear the words "I love you mommy" But I can see it in her eyes.
I have her trust, in a world too large I don't leave her side.
I am her role model, and I know this because she wants to do everything I do.
Dishes take longer and I often repeat a chore twice, but she's mimicking and needs encouraged.
I'm an autism mom
Who's never rested
Always on alert
Absolutely in love with my perfect daughter!
No she was not sick in the typical way one first thinks, but mentally.
I have no problem sitting in the car with the ac running, killing my gas, because the rest of my family deserves fun too.
I can recognize when my non verbal little needs to leave the park, because she just can't handle her excitement.
We aren't leaving because she's being punished, we are leaving to bring her back to center.
I've put away my paint brushes and sewing machine, and replaced them with laminating and Velcro.
I may never hear the words "I love you mommy" But I can see it in her eyes.
I have her trust, in a world too large I don't leave her side.
I am her role model, and I know this because she wants to do everything I do.
Dishes take longer and I often repeat a chore twice, but she's mimicking and needs encouraged.
I'm an autism mom
Who's never rested
Always on alert
Absolutely in love with my perfect daughter!